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While you may think you need to “boost” your immune system to minimize or prevent symptoms, you actually need to “regulate” your immune system, so that it can better respond to various conditions. Celt Naturals Immuno-Care® is an all-natural, patented, and clinically tested plant sterol and antioxidant supplement that “up-regulates” your immune system when it’s underperforming, such as when you’re sick, and “down-regulates” it when it’s overreacting, such as when you’re suffering from allergies.

Supplements to boost the immune system

There are other supplements containing plant sterols available, but there is a key reason why Celt Naturals Immuno-Care® is unique: it’s the only “delayed release” plant sterol supplement available on the market.

While other plant sterol products are destroyed in the harsh conditions of the stomach, the “delayed release” feature of Immuno-Care® allows each capsule to arrive intact in the small intestine. There, the capsule releases its maximum potential and starts working to regulate your immune system.

Best plant sterol supplements for strong immunity

There’s no set age when immunity decreases, but as we age, it doesn’t serve us as well as it once used to. It is kind of like gray hair – it happens to everyone, but at a different time. Both T and B cell immune responses are affected by aging, but the most striking change is observed in T cells, the immune warriors that fight viruses and bacteria.

The severity of any disease can depend on the strength of these T cell responses. Research has shown that plant sterols enhance immune function, lower cholesterol and provide anti-inflammatory benefits. Plant sterols target specific T-helper cells, resulting in a stronger immune response, strengthening a persons’ resistance to numerous chronic diseases and infections. Luckily, they are found in abundance in ImmunoCare – the best plant sterol supplement to boost the immune system.

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