It takes 39 lovingly blended ingredients to create this one great flavour Magic. A wonderful world of delicious flavour created by combining precious ingredients from the four corners of the earth with just the right amount of earth and sea salt crystals for a truly unique taste sensation.Spike is the favourite of international great chefs. Gourmet cooks everywhere acclaim Spikes truly remarkable flavour. It is a must for every memorable meal.
Enjoy on salads, sauces, stews, meats, eggs, cottage cheese, pizza, vegetables, salad dressings, dips, appetizers, popcorn, tomato drinks, snacks, and main courses. Spike adds great flavor, not calories!
Ingredients: Salt Crystals (earth and sea), nutritional yeast, hydrolyzed soy protein (no added MSG), mellow toasted onion, onion powder, orange powder, soy granules, celery leaf powder, celery root powder, garlic powder, dill, kelp, Indian curry, horseradish, ripe white pepper, orange and lemon peel, summer savory, mustard flour, sweet green and red bell peppers, parsley flakes, tarragon, rosehips, safflower, mushroom powder, parsley powder, spinach powder, tomato powder, sweet paprika, celery seed ground, cayenne pepper, plus a delightful herbal bouquet of the best oregano, basil, majoram, rosemary, thyme.