Sale price$41.99


Travelers’ Probiotic is a unique therapeutic probiotic formula that crowds out the harmful bacteria that cause travelers’ sickness, neutralizes their toxins, and maintains healthy intestinal flora during travel abroad.

Travelers’ Probiotic is a solution for the symptoms of travelers’ sickness, which include diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, and bloating. Extreme cases can cause fever, chills, and bloody stools.

Travelers’ Probiotic is a unique formula that populates the intestines with the therapeutic amount of 10 billion live cells of the beneficial yeast Saccharomyces boulardiiS. boulardii is a transient yeast which crowds out harmful bacteria that cause travelers’ sickness and neutralizes their toxins. This creates favorable conditions for the 11 billion colony-forming units of 11 scientifically proven probiotic strains to restore the balance of healthy intestinal flora.

The water-based GPS™ natural enteric-coated vegetable capsule survives harsh stomach acids to deliver 100% of the therapeutic benefits of each capsule of Travelers’ Probiotic.

Consider an investment in Travelers’ Probiotic for the prevention and treatment of travelers’ sickness as a way of safeguarding your dream vacation from becoming a nightmare.

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